Hello Friends!
It's been quite a while since my last post…about two months, I believe. A lot has happened since then, and I really don't think anyone wants to hear all the details of my two months bumming around in the states, so I'll just give a quick run-down, for funsies:
On one foot: I was in Chicago for two weeks, then I was in Brooklyn for Pesach, then Maryland for a week with Ezra's family, then up to Boston for a weekend to visit my sister, brother-in-law, and amazingly cute baby niece, then back to Brooklyn for a bit to do some applying and interviewing for next year type things, (more on that in a moment,) then down to Myrtle Beach, SC for some beachy vacation time, then up to the Upper West Side of Manhattan for David's Columbia graduation, and finally, FINALLY, back to Israel again. PHEW.
I definitely think I made good use of my time while I was at home. I managed to see lots of family and friends, be at my brother's graduation, figure out a basic plan for next year, AND watch all of the HBO On-Demand that I had missed. Pretty good, right? I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do next year, and while my heart is still here in Jerusalem, I know that I need to get moving on the whole get-a-job-and-make-some-money thing. So I sent out my resume and cover letter to a bunch of elementary/middle schools in Manhattan, and also started checking out graduate school programs in education. I've waffled a lot on what I want to do career-wise, and while I am hoping to take on many roles over the course of my life, I think education is the best place to start. I'm applying to get a master's in middle school education, so we'll see how that goes. I also had interviews with a couple of schools, and I'll hear back shortly about whether I have a job. All in all, I'm quite happy with my choices and my direction at the moment. I'm actually thinking even further ahead, and considering pursuing a degree in counseling as well, or maybe social work, depending on what makes the most sense. But one step at a time. L'at, L'at, as they say here in Izzyrael.
So, what the heck am I doing back here? Basically, I couldn't stay away. I know it sounds corny, but I've really started to feel like this is a second home. I've missed my friends and teachers here terribly, and it felt so amazing to see them again. And just being here, in this atmosphere and this country that I love so much, feels perfect. I am literally drinking in the air, appreciating every moment. I'll never be able to stay away too long, I know that for sure. I actually came here as a madricha (counselor) on a three-week trip to Israel called Meor, which is the trip I came on last summer. It's for college kids, and is a combination of touring Israel, and learning the basics of Judaism – honestly, it's an incredible trip, and I'm so lucky to be able to go on it again. It also feels great to be able to give back to Meor, as they've done so much for me throughout my time at Penn, as well as during my months in seminary. I'm basically helping to watch over 35 recent college grads from Penn, which is funny, considering I'm only a year older than they are. Somehow, I feel much older when I am around them. I guess being in the "responsible" role does that to you. Anyway, they're incredible, and the trip is going really well so far. We started up North, where we went hiking, jeeping, swimming in the kinneret, and touring Tzfat. We arrived in Jerusalem last night, and this morning they had their first learning session, which they loved, and it's really great to be able to discuss everything with them, especially coming from a perspective of having spent several months learning in sem. My job mostly consists of taking head counts, herding people to activities, and being an information kiosk for the students. But the best part is just talking to them, learning with them, and being an example for them. It's pretty cool.
After the trip, I'm planning on going back to She'arim until August 2nd. It'll be good to get in a last burst of learning and connection before heading back to the states for the long-haul. Also, Ezra will be here for 6 weeks over the summer, so I'm pretty excited for that. Not sure what's happening in August, other than my cousin's Bar-Mitzvah in Seattle, which will be a ton of fun, as spending time with my family always is.
Anyways, hopefully I can keep this up a bit better for the next while, and hopefully you're all still somewhat interested in what I'm up to.
Have a great summer, everyone.
Love, Shira